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Howard van Rooijen By Howard van Rooijen Co-Founder
Endjin.Licensing - Part 2: Defining the desired behaviour

We've open sourced a lightweight licensing framework we've been using internally over the last couple of years. In a 5 part series I'm covering the motivation behind building it, how you can use it, how you can extend it for your own scenarios and how you could use it in a real world situation:

I've been an advocate of BDD for a number of years, and have tried most of the frameworks, but in the last 18 months have established a monogamous relationship with Specflow. I find that writing higher level specifications, in English, really helps me focus on the behaviour of the system I'm creating but doesn't suffer from the brittleness & fragility that traditional unit test suffer from, when it comes to refactoring the underlying code. I started by writing a specification that covered the main scenario I wanted to support in Vellum:

Feature: Create a License
	In order to run vellum
	As a user
	I want to be able to obtain valid licenses for my runtime requirements

Scenario: Create a Vellum License for the Free Azure Website rate
	Given I want a license for my Azure Website
	And I have a staging slot configured at
	And I want to run on a free subscription
	And my billing subscription commenced today
	And I have entered my Azure subscription details
	When I request my license
	Then it should be a valid license
	And it should have been issued today
	And it should expire on the last day of this month

At this point I had the epiphany that what I needed to build was not a complete licensing platform (like Rhino.Licensing), but a framework that would allow me to easily create custom validation rules; notions like a website address or product SKU are not the concerns of the licensing framework, they are concerns of the product consuming the licensing framework – in this case Vellum.

So, I deleted the specification and wrote a second draft, which covered the more intrinsic requirements of a licensing framework:

Feature: Validate License
	In order to allow users to only use my software with a valid license
	As a software provider
	I want to be able to validate the license based on its criteria

Scenario: Validate a 'Subscription' License that was issued today
	Given they want a 'Subscription' license
	And their license was issued today
	And I generate their license
	When they validate their license
	Then it should be a valid license
	And it should have been issued today
	And it should expire on the last day of this month

The intrinsic data the license should contain is a license Id, so that we can make the license uniquely identifiable, a date of issue, a date of expiration (when the license should invalidate), a license type (subscription, annual, perpetual) and a collection of user definable key / value pairs to act as an extensibility point for users to build their own validation logic on.

Once the initial success path was apparent, a failing scenario then became immediately obvious:

Scenario: Validate a 'Subscription' License that expired last month
	Given they want a 'Subscription' license
	And their license was issued a month ago
	And I generate their license
	When they validate their license
	Then it should be an expired license
	And it should have been issued last month
	And the license should have expired on the last day of last month

The next desired behaviour for a licensing system is to detect that a license may have been tampered with (for example manually modifying the expiration date):

Scenario: Tamper with the expiration date of a license
	Given the user is issued with a valid 'Subscription' license
	And the user tampers with the expiration date of the license
	When they validate their license
	Then it should be an invalid license

Once the specifications were fleshed out it didn't take long to create the initial implementation of the framework in order for the specifications to execute successfully. Once that was done, it was then possible to create a new project to contain the Vellum specific validation rules. Having had a few more days to mull over the licensing behaviour we wanted to implement for Vellum, it was quite simple to recreate and elaborate my very first specification:

Scenario: Free Azure Hosting Plan License that was issued today and is running on a Free Azure Hosting Plan License with a valid host name is valid
	Given they want a 'Subscription' license
	And their customer id is 'c8ca3109-6fbf-4b75-b6ee-67a1a0a56bd1'
	And their subscription id is '03c1b02b-7806-4e94-8044-140d95ff52d1'
	And their license was issued today
	And their SKU is 'Free'
	And their development host is 'localhost'
	And their site name is 'mysite'
	And they are running the site on a 'Free' Azure Hosting Plan
	And they are hosting on a website called 'mysite'
	And I generate their license
	When they validate their license
	Then it should be a valid license
	And it should have been issued today
	And it should expire on the last day of this month
	And the metadata should have a value of 'localhost' for the development host
	And the metadata should have a value of 'mysite' for the site name
	And the metadata should have a value of 'Free' for the SKU
	And the metadata should not have a value for instance size
	And the metadata should have a value of 'c8ca3109-6fbf-4b75-b6ee-67a1a0a56bd1' for the customer id
	And the metadata should have a value of '03c1b02b-7806-4e94-8044-140d95ff52d1' for the subscription id

Once this was completed, it was very straightforward to flesh out another 8 features containing a total of 47 different scenarios, covering off all of the different permutations we could think of.

In the next part, I'll take you through a step by step guide for creating and validating a license.


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Howard van Rooijen


Howard van Rooijen

Howard spent 10 years as a technology consultant helping some of the UK's best known organisations work smarter, before founding endjin in 2010. He's a Microsoft ScaleUp Mentor, and a Microsoft Azure MVP, and helps small teams achieve big things using data, AI and Microsoft Azure.