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Liam Mooney - Apprentice Engineer II

Liam is a member of endjin’s Software Engineering Apprenticeship Scheme 2021 cohort

Meet Liam

Liam studied an MSci in Physics at University College London, which included modules on Statistical Data Analysis, High Performance Computing, Practical Physics and Computing. This led to his dissertation exploring the use of machine learning techniques for analysing LHC particle collision data.

During his studies Liam did a number of data engineering internships to better understand what a career in technology might look like. This eventually led him to join endjin's 2021 apprenticeship cohort, which had over 200 applicants.

Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions

Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions

Liam Mooney

This post gives an overview of Continuous Integrations and shows how you can implement it with GitHub Actions, with an accompanying example Python project
Automating Excel in the Cloud with Office Scripts and Power Automate

Automating Excel in the Cloud with Office Scripts and Power Automate

Liam Mooney

Office Scripts and Power Automate provide the ability to automate manual processes involving Excel in the cloud. This post provides and overview and walks through an example.
Understanding the Stack and Heap in C#

Understanding the Stack and Heap in C#

Liam Mooney

The stack and heap are central components of memory management in C# programs. This post aims to introduce the topic, with a number of worked examples.
Computer Networking Essentials for Developers: the Web - Part 2

Computer Networking Essentials for Developers: the Web - Part 2

Liam Mooney

We're constantly using computer networks and the internet, especially as developers. The Web is the most important application on the Internet; this is the second of two posts aiming to explain the basics of the Web.
The Perils of Combining Multicast Delegates with Tasks in C#

The Perils of Combining Multicast Delegates with Tasks in C#

Liam Mooney

It's possible to get into a tricky situation when combining asynchronous methods that return Task objects with multicast delegates in C#. In this post Liam explains how that situation arises.
Computer Networking Essentials for Developers: the Web - Part 1

Computer Networking Essentials for Developers: the Web - Part 1

Liam Mooney

This post focuses on a major application that utilises all of the networking infrastructure described in the previous post, and is often considered (falsely) synonymous with the Internet – the World Wide Web (WWW).
My first 6 months as an apprentice at endjin

My first 6 months as an apprentice at endjin

Liam Mooney

Liam joined endjin as part of the Software Engineering Apprenticeship 2021 cohort. In this post he reflects on his first six months and looks to the future.
Computer Networking Essentials for Developers: Networks and the Internet

Computer Networking Essentials for Developers: Networks and the Internet

Liam Mooney

We're constantly using computer networks and the internet, especially as developers. Networking is a large and complex subject - this post aims to covers the basics, aimed at developers.
Introduction to Containers and Docker

Introduction to Containers and Docker

Liam Mooney

Containers and Docker offer a different approach to development and deployment of applications. This post provides an introduction to containerisation and Docker, and provides examples of creating containerised applications with Docker.
My first month-and-a-bit as an apprentice at endjin

My first month-and-a-bit as an apprentice at endjin

Liam Mooney

Liam joined endjin as part of the Software Engineering Apprenticeship 2021 cohort. In this post he reflects on his first month and looks to the future.